DoDEA students learn the science behind the magic
Department of Defense Education Activity Europe’s Aukamm Elementary students learn about the ‘Science behind the Magic’ from Brian Temple, Europe District Public Affairs chief, as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ STEM educational outreach program May 10, 2013 in Wiesbaden, Germany. Temple demonstrated magic tricks using rope, coins and flash paper and explained the science and technology behind the production of these magic props. Flash paper, which Temple lit on fire and turned into a $100 bill, generated excitement from the student audience. The paper is developed through a special scientific process, allowing it to burn brightly. Temple used student excitement about magic to reveal the science and technology that supports the art. USACE is working, as an organization, to engage young students early and be a constant STEM resource throughout their educational career. According to statistics, a U.S. student must decide by eighth-grade if they wish to pursue a career in STEM fields. Elementary school is not too young to introduce students to science, technology, engineering and math opportunities and get them thinking about their future.